About Me

about me

My name is Noah Friedman. I'm an aspiring programmer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I've been programming since I was 8 years old, and it is something I am truly passionate about. I've built this website to be a portfolio of my programming projects. Explore and enjoy!


enum-from-functions.rs - A procedural macro that will create an enum with associated functions that each have a corresponding variant.

The A.M.a.D.E.U.S. Project - An Appropriately Menial and Deployable, Easily Understandable Sample Project for use in testing/exploring new programming environments. Written in pure C for portability, provides CMake as a build system but can easily be compiled by hand.

Rotatable Grid Vector - A C++ class that extends std::vector by adding functionality for rotating the contents 90ยบ.

kmap - A program for generating k-maps based on user input.